Thanks for Donations


Joselino Chocoj, third from right, the leader of the Guatemalan Folk Dancers, Grupo Folklorico Tikal, recently suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. He came to a Monday lunch to thank the workers (who had taken up a collection for him), CoFiA, and CoFiA members and friends, who also made contributions. Here is his letter of thanks:

Dear Friends:
Thank you very much to CoFiA and to everyone of the people who gave a donation so that I can have a recuperation, which will be so much easier.

I have had a cerebral hemorrhage. I asked God to give me another opportunity for life. I consider it a miracle that I lived and that I have received more than I had hoped for.

Thank you to the doctors, nurses, my wife, my family, my friends and all of you who have been part of my recuperation. The doctor has said that my recuperation will be three to six months but since I don’t have disability he said I should be home for at least two months.

Thank you very much for your generosity.

Sincerely, Joselino Chocoj