Help Needed
We are sorry to report that one of the workers, "Jose," recently suffered a broken back in a fall on the job. He had extensive surgery and was hospitalized for some time, and now is unable to work; even walking is very difficult. He was working for a sub-contractor who did not carry insurance, and also owed him for several days'wages. The sub-contractor did not respond at all to calls from Jose--not even to wish him well. The CoFiA wage theft committee has been able to contact the sub-contractor and secure some of the back wages, but as is often the case he says he has not been paid by the contractor. Jose has found a lawyer who is assisting him on a contingency basis, but this can be a long and uncertain process. In the meantime, Jose is left with no way to cover ongoing expenses. Individual CoFiA members have assisted him, for which he is very grateful. ... Read more