Good Relations and Good Food: Englewood’s D’Colombia Restaurant
By CoFiA Wage Theft Committee member Norm Smith The world of the migrant worker, CoFiA's world, is full of heart-rending stories. It's wonderful, then, to tell a happy tale. The story of Englewood's D'Colombia Restaurant, and its engaging owners Cristina and Duvan Echeverry, is a happy one. The story begins in early October, 2014, when one of CoFiA's clients presented us a wage theft claim against a restaurant in Englewood. Our client had worked there for three weeks, and hadn't been paid. The restaurant owed him $1675. We called the owner, who straightforwardly confirmed the debt; indeed, he had many debts. But he hoped to pay our client shortly. A few days later we got a call from the client--the restaurant at 99 W. Palisade Avenue had closed, ... Read more