CoFiA's Saturday Group--also known as the Delegados--will meet this coming Saturday, August 18, at 7:00 p.m., at St. Michael's Church, Central Avenue at First St. Entrance to the meeting room is from First St. Led by CoFiA volunteer organizer Elias Garcia, the group gets together to provide mutual support and explore topics of current interest. Presently they are reviewing the benefits of taking OSHA training, a process that if successful leads to an official federally-supplied OSHA certificate. These are very valuable to workers who want to document that they have particular skills and have received the approved training. The speaker on August 18 will be Diana Mejia, chair of the group Wind of the Spirit, who is an OSHA trainer. Diana is a long-time friend of COFIA, and has spoken to our lunch program groups and led ... Read more